
About Marist

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EMERGENCY (845) 575-5555
Security Night Line (845) 575-3282
Switchboard (845) 575-3000
Weather Delay/Cancellation Line (845) 575-5500


Internal Directory

For the internal directory, with the ability to search by name, school, or department, please visit myMarist.

Department/Office Directory

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Academic Learning Center (845) 575-3300 LB331
Accommodations & Accessibility Office (845) 575-3274 DN226 (845) 575-3011
Accounting/Economics/Finance (845) 575-3225 51F (845) 575-3640
Accounts Payable (845) 575-3312 DN210 (845) 575-3223
Admission (845) 575-3226 RO381 (845) 575-3215
Advancement (845) 575-3264 FN001 (845) 575-3411
Advising & Academic Services (845) 575-3500 DN224 (845) 575-3502
Affirmative Action Officer (845) 575-3349 DN120 (845) 575-3348
Alumni Relations (845) 575-3283 FN001 (845) 575-3411
Art & Art History (845) 575-3841 ST
Art Gallery (845) 575-3841 ST
Athletics (845) 575-3304 MC (845) 575-3994
Athletics (Administrative) (845) 575-3304 MC (845) 575-3994
Athletics (Sports Information) (845) 575-3304 MC (845) 575-3580


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Basketball Office - Men's (845) 575-3324 MC (845) 575-3580
Basketball Office - Women's (845) 575-3324 MC (845) 575-3580
Biology (845) 575-3228 DN235
Bookstore Barnes & Noble (845) 575-3260 SC180 (845) 471-8902
Bureau of Economic Research (845) 575-3945 51F
Business Office (845) 575-3000 x2495 DN210 (845) 575-3223


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Campus Safety (845) 575-3333 DN201 (845) 575-3366
Card Services (845) 575-3550 51F 143
Career Services (845) 575-3547 LB332 (845) 575-3548
Center for Lifetime Study - CLS (845) 575-3902 69WC (Rm. 104A) (845) 575-3262
Center for Multicultural Affairs (845) 575-3204 LB337 (845) 575-3195
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) (845) 575-3285 HC1020
Central Receiving (845) 575-3000 x2252 61WC
Chapel (845) 575-3000 x2134
Chemistry/Physics (845) 575-3000 x2491 DN235
Circle (845) 575-3000 x2429
College Marketing & Communications (845) 575-3115 LT112
Communication & The Arts (845) 575-3650 LT134 (845) 575-3885
Commuter Lounge SC 2nd Floor
Computer Science & Math (845) 575-3000 x2601 HC3011 (845) 575-3605
Computer Store (845) 575-3556 DN
Counseling Services (845) 575-3314 MR113 (845) 575-3528
Criminal Justice (845) 575-3960 51F


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Dean of Faculty/Academic V.P. (845) 575-3629 HC1016 (845) 575-3479
Digital Education (845) 575-3572 LB305 (845) 575-3542
Digital Publication Center (845) 575-3000 x2145 DN209 (845) 471-6213
Dining Services (845) 575-5200 SC (845) 575-5120
Distance Learning
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion VP 845-575-3340 LT107
Donnelly Coffee Shop (845) 575-3000 x2448 DN


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Emergency (845) 575-5555
English (845) 575-3000 x2336 FN200
Enrollment Management (845) 575-3000 x2227 RO381
Enrollment Marketing & Communication (845) 575-3115 RO381
Enrollment Services (845) 575-3226 LT120
Environ. Science & Policy (845) 575-3228 DN235
Executive Affairs (845) 575-3000 x2296 GS


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Fashion (845) 575-3000 x2124 DN254
Field Experience (845) 575-3543 LB332 (845) 575-3548
Financial Affairs (845) 575-3000 x2161 DN232
Fine Arts (845) 575-3000 x2245 ST
Fontaine Security Desk (845) 575-3000 x2127 FN
French (845) 575-3000 x2267 FN229


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Gartland Fitness Center (845) 575-3000 x2191 Gartland D
General Counsel (845) 575-3445 DN216 (845) 575-3183
Graduate & Adult Enrollment (845) 575-3800 RO381 (845) 575-3166
Graduate Admissions (845) 575-3530 RO381 (845) 575-3166
Grounds (845) 575-3000 x2212 61WC


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
H.E.O.P. (845) 575-3204 LB337 (845) 575-3195
Hall of Fame Room (845) 575-3690 MC
Health Services (845) 575-3270 SC350 (845) 575-3275
Help Desk (845) 575-4357 DN
History (845) 575-3295 FN200
Housekeeping (845) 575-3000 x2527 61WC
Housing & Residential Life (845) 575-3307 RO387
Human Resources (845) 575-3349 DN120 (845) 575-3348


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Information Systems & Technology (845) 575-3610 HC3011
Information Technology (845) 575-3252 DN258 (845) 575-3035
Institutional Research & Planning (845) 575-3478 DN102
International Programs (845) 575-3330 HC2007
International Student Services (845) 575-3687 LB330
Intramurals (845) 575-3000 x2594 MC
Italian (845) 575-3000 x2267 FN229


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Liberal Arts (845) 575-3295 FN200 (845) 575-3410
Liberty Partnerships (845) 575-3730 69WC 123
Library (845) 575-3106 LB (845) 575-3150


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Maintenance (845) 575-3000 x2255 69WC (845) 575-3255
Management (845) 575-3225 51F 225 (845) 575-3640
Marist Fund (845) 575-3863 FN001 (845) 575-3411
Marist Money (845) 575-3550 DN241
Marketing/International (845) 575-3225 51F 225
Marketplace (845) 575-3000 x2487 UW Bldg V
Mathematics (845) 575-3000 x2601 HC3011
MBA (845) 575-3225 51F
McCann Center Information (845) 575-3699 MC
MCTV (845) 575-3000 x2423
Mechanical Services (845) 575-3000 x2255 69WC
Media Arts (845) 575-3650
Media Center (845) 575-3635 LT208
Medical Technology (845) 575-3228 AH
Mentor Program (845) 575-3517
MIPO - Marist Poll (845) 575-5050 HC3026 (845) 575-5111
Mission Statement
Modern Languages & Cultures (845) 575-3295 FN200
MPA (845) 575-3225 51F 225
Music (845) 575-3000 x2142 SC143


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Nurse (845) 575-3270 SC350 (845) 575-3275
NYC Executive Center (845) 241-9704


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Office of the Provost/Academic Affairs (845) 575-3629 HC1016 (845) 575-3479


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Paralegal (845) 575-3000 x2515 FN316
Payroll (845) 575-3000 x2350 DN214
Philosophy (845) 575-3295 FN200
Physical Plant (845) 575-3000 x2215 69WC (845) 575-3148
Physical Therapy (845) 575-5867 AH233
Physics (845) 575-3000 x2228 DN104
Political Science (845) 575-3295 FN200
Post Office (845) 575-3000 x2131 SC
Praxis Project (845) 575-3000 x2181
President's Office (845) 575-3600 GS (845) 575-3337
Psychology (845) 575-3960 51F
Public Administration (845) 575-3225 51F
Purchasing (845) 575-3563 DN212


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Receiving (845) 575-3000 x2252 61WC
Recycling (845) 575-3517
Registrar (845) 575-3250 DN203
Religious Studies (845) 575-3295 FN200
Residential Computing (ResNet) (845) 575-3135 DN101
Reynard (845) 575-3000 x2149 SC
Ride Share


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
School of Communication & the Arts (845) 575-3650 LT134 (845) 575-3885
School of Computer Science & Math (845) 575-3610 HC3011 (845) 575-3605
School of Liberal Arts (845) 575-3295 FN200 (845) 575-3410
School of Management (845) 575-3225 51F 225 (845) 575-3225
School of Professional Programs (845) 575-3202 WC (845) 575-3262
School of Science (845) 575-3228 AH116 (845) 575-3184
School of Social & Behavioral Sciences (845) 575-3960 51F (845) 575-3960
School Psychology (845) 575-3960 51F
Small Business Dev. Center (845) 575-3945
Social Work/Sociology (845) 575-3960 51F
Spanish (845) 575-3000 x2267 FN229
Special Assistant to the President (845) 575-3189 GS (845) 471-0845
Special Services (845) 575-3274 DN226 (845) 575-3011
Spiritual Life and Service (845) 575-3000 x2275 BY (845) 575-3299
Sponsored Programs & Research (845) 575-3670 DY 4025 (845) 575-3218
Student Activities (845) 575-3279 SC371 (845) 575-3280
Student Affairs (845) 575-3515 RO389
Student Athlete Enhancement (845) 575-3353 MC
Student Conduct (845) 575-3514 RO389
Student Financial Services (845) 575-3230 DN200 (845) 575-3099
Student Government (845) 575-3000 x2206 SC348
Student Programming Council (845) 575-3000 x2828 SC
Student Self-Service
Student Telephone Services (845) 575-4357 DN
Sustainability (845) 575-3517
Switchboard (845) 575-3000 DN258


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
TAP Certification (845) 575-3250 DN203
Teacher Education (845) 575-3028 51F
Ticket Booth- Theater (845) 575-3133 SC
Ticket Office- Athletics (845) 575-3553 MC
Transfer Admissions (845) 575-3000 x2340 RO381 (845) 575-3215


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Veterans Benefits (845) 575-3250 DN203


  Phone Number Location Fax Number
Writing Center (845) 575-3000 x2735 LB334
Writing Program (845) 575-3000 x2735 LB109

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